Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Qubik's 4 E's of experiential marketing


Engage the consumer. Consumers are far more savvy, perceptive and aware of traditional marketing goals than ever before. To truly engage with them a brand has to be presented to them at the appropriate time and in the right environment.


Educate them about the brand. A good experiential campaign will not only be informative but also create an emotional attachment using creativity to break through the clutter.


Evolve their perception. Experiential marketing connects the advertising message and brand values in an interactive manner, reaching the consumer at a time when they are most receptive to the message. This 2 way communication aids in changing the perception of the brand in the mind of the consumer.


Effect their behaviour. Once consumers have tried the product, they are more likely to purchase as well as spread the word to their peers, utilising the golden word of mouth strategy. The end result is an emotional alignment which stimulates consumer consideration and adoption.

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