Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's in a name?

When I was starting Qubik I had a thought about what my title should be on my business cards. It seems a simple thing but it took a while. I could have went with CEO but that seemed a bit grand for a start up. General Manager was an option but I wasn't managing anyone at the beginning. Did it really matter?!

I was going to put Owner on the card but I thought that might seem a bit aloof. Finally I settled on Principal as I figured that conveyed that it was my company but that I also did some of the work. Having endured several teacher jokes I am comfortable with it for now.

It got me thinking about all of the ridiculous job titles out there. It used to be that vice president or director meant something but now they don't really tell you anything. I guess the next time you hire someone you might want to check with a colleague of theirs as to what they actually do.

Looking through my rollodex and chatting to friends provides some great examples of titles gone mad.

Director of first impressions - i.e. Receptionist
Head Honcho - General Manager (also self indulgent wanker)
Chief know-it-all - Steve Jobs Apple (no I don't have his card and for once this one seems fairly accurate)
Catalyst for Magic - Social Media Manager (John - you need to get me one of those business cards!)
Malicious Logic Specialist - Hacker
Official vice editor of artistry and illustrations - cartoonist (with an ego)

Titles are obviously important to some people. What is yours?

1 comment:

  1. Looking through my rollodex and chatting to friends provides some great examples of titles gone mad.
