I haven't had time to keep up to the latest goings on in the marketing World this week so thought I'd throw in a random post. Not that there's much structure to this blog anyway...
1. I am slightly accident prone and tend to get injured often.
To be fair you probably did know that but having broken around 20 bones I curiously have never had any stitches. I have lost a lot of skin over the years, the worst being at a wedding in Perth where I fell as I grabbed 2 kids from running on to the road. The skin loss was obviously sore but when Jill ripped the dried baby wet one from my head I fainted for the only time in my life hitting my head off the sink on the way down. That hurt too.
2. When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet.
I even did my work experience at the local vet surgery where I got to give a dog an injection to put it to sleep. This was supposed to be a privilege but the owner wanted to come in at the last moment to be with his life-long companion and thanked me for putting him out of his misery (the dog that is). I will never forget the old man sobbing as he was escorted out by the nurse while the vet dropped the dog in to a bin bag and threw it in the shed for collection. Guess you don’t have to be an animal lover to be a vet...
3. I used to be in an orchestra.
I played the clarinet for 7 or 8 years when I was at school. I never got round to practicing though so any potential the teacher thought I had was and remains largely unfulfilled. I still have the clarinet but it hasn’t held a tune in quite some time. Maybe one wet weekend it will make a long overdue appearance.
4. My biggest fear is not being successful.
Well, not making a difference anyway. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a millionaire. This isn’t based on any notion of what I could do with the money or even what it means but just because it was difficult to achieve and somewhat exclusive. I guess the value of 1 million pounds in 1985 is quite different to 1 million dollars in 2009. I am not sure what it really means anymore but I would still like to feel like I was making a difference and contributing something meaningful.
5. I was a member of the National Ferret Welfare Society.
I had a pet ferret called Gnipper when I was a teenager. He used to live in a hutch in our porch and was very playful if a little head strong. They make great pets although they can smell a bit if you don’t clean the cage out often enough. My brother was not a fan.
6. I love being a dad.
Despite Eilidh only being 9 months old I can’t imagine (or remember) life without her. She is fascinating to watch and great fun to play with. She does something different everyday and is always laughing which is contagious. I guess I am biased but I think she is gorgeous. Having discovered how much fun it is being a dad I would like to have 2 more as soon as possible. Jill is still to come round to the idea. Twins would be fun...!
7. I have an irrational dislike of random people.
I sometimes develop a dislike for someone famous based on no logical or even reasonable cause. Mick Hucknall from Simply Red is at the top of the list. Martine McCutcheon from Eastenders is a close second. Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman take out the couple crown. They all irritate me greatly for no known reason although I must emphasise that ginger hair has nothing to do with it.